Sunday, April 17, 2016 by: L.J. Devon, Staff Writer
Tags: mandatory euthanasia, California, organ harvesting
Tags: mandatory euthanasia, California, organ harvesting
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(NaturalNews) In medical systems around the world, the hunt for viable, transplantable
organs is on. The knowledgeable Jan Bollen of the Maastricht University Medical
Centre points this out in two separate papers published this year in the American
Journal of Transplantation and in the Journal of Medical Ethics. He suggested that
the more "normalized" euthanasia becomes, the more the boundaries will be pushed
for expediting organ harvesting.
In Belgium, euthanasia rates have skyrocketed since it became legal in 2002. More and more people
complying to be euthanized are opting to have their organs donated. Doctors are beginning to
pressure patients into euthanasia, requesting that their viable organs be donated. Family members
may pressure a loved one to follow through with euthanasia if their quality of life is determined to
never be the same.
Bollen writes about the worrisome state of euthanasia today and how the hunt for
viable organs is pressuring patients to end their lives: "The patient needs to be
hospitalised when the physician administers the euthanasia drugs, facilitating
optimal organ recovery and optimising transplantation success of these organs.
"The patient's relatives are informed that they should say goodbye to their beloved
person before the euthanasia drugs are being administered, since the time between
death and organ donation should be minimised.
"More important, after the physician has determined death, the [profitable] patient
has to be transported to the operating room immediately." [emphasis added]
Medical industry to begin harvesting organs from living patients' right before
killing them?
As medical systems expedite the process of organ harvesting to make better use of all the working
parts of euthanized patient's, there is a possibility that surgeons may begin harvesting organs from
patients right before they kill them. Doctors have a set amount of time before the organs are no longer
viable. Hearts and lungs are the most vulnerable. By harvesting them before the person is killed, they
would have more time to save organs for immediate transplant. Jan Bollen brings up the morbid
possibility of this in his most recent papers.
killing them?
As medical systems expedite the process of organ harvesting to make better use of all the working
parts of euthanized patient's, there is a possibility that surgeons may begin harvesting organs from
patients right before they kill them. Doctors have a set amount of time before the organs are no longer
viable. Hearts and lungs are the most vulnerable. By harvesting them before the person is killed, they
would have more time to save organs for immediate transplant. Jan Bollen brings up the morbid
possibility of this in his most recent papers.
The process would likely begin with anaesthetizing the patient and then removing their organs,
one by bone, while they are still alive, until the heart is removed. At that point, the person would be
pronounced dead. Using this macabre procedure, hospital systems could transplant more hearts
and lungs to dying patients waiting for a transplant.
"The trend is deeply worrying," said anti-euthanasia campaigner Alex Carlile. "The pressure to agree
"The trend is deeply worrying," said anti-euthanasia campaigner Alex Carlile. "The pressure to agree
to provide a transplantable heart, lung or liver might be huge," he continued, warning that a stroke
patient could be easily persuaded to give up their life on the operating table, complying to a
physician-assisted suicide so that optimal organ harvesting opportunities can commence.
"The evidence of protection of the vulnerable in Belgium and Holland is sketchy at best. The boundaries
"The evidence of protection of the vulnerable in Belgium and Holland is sketchy at best. The boundaries
of euthanasia are pushed yet further back and the potential for doctors to 'engineer' these events grows.
We have cause to fear such developments and the ethical ambiguity that has been used to justify them,"
said Carlile.
California headed down a dangerous, destructive path
The emergence of California's physician-assisted suicide bill and the recent passage of the state's forcedvaccination law raise many questions. Is mandatory euthanasia coming to California in the near future?
The state is headed down a very dangerous, destructive path as the state continues to abandon patients'
informed consent for using drugs and medical procedures.
The medical system to which many now pledge allegiance prioritizes the value of a person's organs over
their actual life and liberty. That's obviously the case at Planned Parenthood, where women are told that
they have a choice, only to have their unborn child's organs meticulously removed and sold to
biotechnology firms for medical research.
As euthanasia becomes legal and accepted shamelessly, doctors are starting to push the boundaries,
pressuring patients into ending their own lives. In Belgium, euthanasia is now requested by patients who
are depressed or lonely. One person, who suffered from a botched sex change surgery, wanted
euthanasia because they didn't like their body appearance. One 47-year-old patient wanted
physician-assisted suicide because she struggled with tinnitus.
Doctors are either openly permitting or pressuring patients into giving up their life so the medical
can utilize whatever organs they want – liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, pancreas and so on. It's like the
patients are being moved along a conveyor belt as their dead body is picked through, giving others
select access to their organs.