Results Will Vary and Body are the two web places to start again for exercise.
Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick
Photography by: Jonathan Skow + Pornchai Mittongtare

It’s tempting to dismiss it as luck: Some people might
catch a slight cold or suffer an occasional ache or pain now and then,
but they never seem to suffer from flus, fevers and illnesses that send
the rest of us diving under the covers for days. Despite centuries of
scientific advances, doctors still can’t tell us definitively how to
stay well. So why not look for solutions from the people for whom the
common cold is, well, uncommon? Here, 10 surprising habits of those
people who never get sick—and how you can adapt them to your own soon-to
be healthier life.
1. THEY STRESS LESS Researchers at Duke University found that stress damages the immune system and the heart. Other studies suggest that it increases your chances of contracting bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis. There’s also evidence that learning relaxation techniques early on is crucial: A 2009 Stress in America Survey by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association found that stress is a top health concern for kids between ninth and 12th grades, and suggested that stress could do serious long-term damage if those children don’t learn to manage it. Of course, exercise is one of the best ways to chill out. A University of Southern California study found that when participants took a vigorous walk around a track, they reduced tension in their bodies by 20 percent. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also crucial, as is laughing: It releases endorphins in the body that act as natural stress busters. Plus, a good guffaw gives your heart muscle a workout.
2. THEY SPRINKLE BREWER’S YEAST ON THEIR FOOD Just one tablespoon packs in most of the B vitamins you need each day, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid and biotin. Without enough of these vitamins, the body isn’t able to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins; the Bs are also essential for healthy hair, skin, nerves, blood cells, hormone-producing glands and a thriving immune system. B vitamins help manufacture antibodies and white blood cells that make up the immune response. And in times of stress, the Bs can be depleted, which compromises your immunity. Sprinkle a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast over popcorn or cereal, mix it into soups or sauces (the taste goes especially well with split pea soup or any dish made with tomato sauce) or bake into quick breads and cookies.
3. THEY EAT LESS. As far back as the 1930s, studies found that animals that were fed less lived twice as long. More recent research in humans has linked calorie restriction to lower incidences of age-related health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Participants in one study who ate 25 percent less than their usual amounts had lower overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Keep in mind that calorie restriction is an easy diet to do unsafely, however. Start by limiting simple sugars and flours, and pack your meals with dark leafy greens and other vegetables. You can find more tips on calorie restriction at or
4. THEY EMBRACE BACTERIA. OK, so no expert will tell you to toss a few dirt clods into the blender the next time you whip up some pesto, but research suggests that the move toward complete sterility in the modern age wasn’t necessarily more healthful. It appears that the path to increasing health is probably somewhere between the squalor of our ancestors’ environment and the hyper-cleanliness of the developed world. Bacteria and our bodies have a symbiotic relationship in which their presence helps our systems stay healthy and balanced. “Good” germs can improve your metabolism, enhance your immunity and reduce inflammation. Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, found that the more bacteria you have on the surface of your skin, the better you combat inflammation. So go outside, have plenty of contact with Mother Nature and get dirty! And rather than scrub your foods raw, give them a quick rinse.
5. THEY OPT FOR HERBAL REMEDIES. Although plant-based health aids have been long derided by the Western medical community, about onequarter of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. Herbal remedies (plants purported to have medicinal properties) are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, and what we know about plants’ abilities to heal is impressive: They can alleviate high blood pressure, stimulate the nervous system, destroy germs and boost the immune system. But you needn’t fill your medicine cabinet with supplements; something as simple as green tea can help improve your immunity and your health. Commercial green tea beverages have come under fire recently for unsubstantiated health claims, yet studies have shown that antioxidants in green tea called polyphenols have the potential to boost metabolism and burn fat, protect against liver disease, control blood sugar levels and lower LDL cholesterol. Skip pre-packaged bottled versions and sip unflavored loose-leaf green tea instead.
- See more at: THEY STRESS LESS Researchers at Duke University found that stress damages the immune system and the heart. Other studies suggest that it increases your chances of contracting bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis. There’s also evidence that learning relaxation techniques early on is crucial: A 2009 Stress in America Survey by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association found that stress is a top health concern for kids between ninth and 12th grades, and suggested that stress could do serious long-term damage if those children don’t learn to manage it. Of course, exercise is one of the best ways to chill out. A University of Southern California study found that when participants took a vigorous walk around a track, they reduced tension in their bodies by 20 percent. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also crucial, as is laughing: It releases endorphins in the body that act as natural stress busters. Plus, a good guffaw gives your heart muscle a workout.
2. THEY SPRINKLE BREWER’S YEAST ON THEIR FOOD Just one tablespoon packs in most of the B vitamins you need each day, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid and biotin. Without enough of these vitamins, the body isn’t able to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins; the Bs are also essential for healthy hair, skin, nerves, blood cells, hormone-producing glands and a thriving immune system. B vitamins help manufacture antibodies and white blood cells that make up the immune response. And in times of stress, the Bs can be depleted, which compromises your immunity. Sprinkle a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast over popcorn or cereal, mix it into soups or sauces (the taste goes especially well with split pea soup or any dish made with tomato sauce) or bake into quick breads and cookies.
3. THEY EAT LESS. As far back as the 1930s, studies found that animals that were fed less lived twice as long. More recent research in humans has linked calorie restriction to lower incidences of age-related health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Participants in one study who ate 25 percent less than their usual amounts had lower overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Keep in mind that calorie restriction is an easy diet to do unsafely, however. Start by limiting simple sugars and flours, and pack your meals with dark leafy greens and other vegetables. You can find more tips on calorie restriction at or
4. THEY EMBRACE BACTERIA. OK, so no expert will tell you to toss a few dirt clods into the blender the next time you whip up some pesto, but research suggests that the move toward complete sterility in the modern age wasn’t necessarily more healthful. It appears that the path to increasing health is probably somewhere between the squalor of our ancestors’ environment and the hyper-cleanliness of the developed world. Bacteria and our bodies have a symbiotic relationship in which their presence helps our systems stay healthy and balanced. “Good” germs can improve your metabolism, enhance your immunity and reduce inflammation. Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, found that the more bacteria you have on the surface of your skin, the better you combat inflammation. So go outside, have plenty of contact with Mother Nature and get dirty! And rather than scrub your foods raw, give them a quick rinse.
5. THEY OPT FOR HERBAL REMEDIES. Although plant-based health aids have been long derided by the Western medical community, about onequarter of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. Herbal remedies (plants purported to have medicinal properties) are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, and what we know about plants’ abilities to heal is impressive: They can alleviate high blood pressure, stimulate the nervous system, destroy germs and boost the immune system. But you needn’t fill your medicine cabinet with supplements; something as simple as green tea can help improve your immunity and your health. Commercial green tea beverages have come under fire recently for unsubstantiated health claims, yet studies have shown that antioxidants in green tea called polyphenols have the potential to boost metabolism and burn fat, protect against liver disease, control blood sugar levels and lower LDL cholesterol. Skip pre-packaged bottled versions and sip unflavored loose-leaf green tea instead.
Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick
Photography by: Jonathan Skow + Pornchai Mittongtare

It’s tempting to dismiss it as luck: Some people might
catch a slight cold or suffer an occasional ache or pain now and then,
but they never seem to suffer from flus, fevers and illnesses that send
the rest of us diving under the covers for days. Despite centuries of
scientific advances, doctors still can’t tell us definitively how to
stay well. So why not look for solutions from the people for whom the
common cold is, well, uncommon? Here, 10 surprising habits of those
people who never get sick—and how you can adapt them to your own soon-to
be healthier life.
1. THEY STRESS LESS Researchers at Duke University found that stress damages the immune system and the heart. Other studies suggest that it increases your chances of contracting bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis. There’s also evidence that learning relaxation techniques early on is crucial: A 2009 Stress in America Survey by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association found that stress is a top health concern for kids between ninth and 12th grades, and suggested that stress could do serious long-term damage if those children don’t learn to manage it. Of course, exercise is one of the best ways to chill out. A University of Southern California study found that when participants took a vigorous walk around a track, they reduced tension in their bodies by 20 percent. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also crucial, as is laughing: It releases endorphins in the body that act as natural stress busters. Plus, a good guffaw gives your heart muscle a workout.
2. THEY SPRINKLE BREWER’S YEAST ON THEIR FOOD Just one tablespoon packs in most of the B vitamins you need each day, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid and biotin. Without enough of these vitamins, the body isn’t able to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins; the Bs are also essential for healthy hair, skin, nerves, blood cells, hormone-producing glands and a thriving immune system. B vitamins help manufacture antibodies and white blood cells that make up the immune response. And in times of stress, the Bs can be depleted, which compromises your immunity. Sprinkle a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast over popcorn or cereal, mix it into soups or sauces (the taste goes especially well with split pea soup or any dish made with tomato sauce) or bake into quick breads and cookies.
3. THEY EAT LESS. As far back as the 1930s, studies found that animals that were fed less lived twice as long. More recent research in humans has linked calorie restriction to lower incidences of age-related health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Participants in one study who ate 25 percent less than their usual amounts had lower overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Keep in mind that calorie restriction is an easy diet to do unsafely, however. Start by limiting simple sugars and flours, and pack your meals with dark leafy greens and other vegetables. You can find more tips on calorie restriction at or
4. THEY EMBRACE BACTERIA. OK, so no expert will tell you to toss a few dirt clods into the blender the next time you whip up some pesto, but research suggests that the move toward complete sterility in the modern age wasn’t necessarily more healthful. It appears that the path to increasing health is probably somewhere between the squalor of our ancestors’ environment and the hyper-cleanliness of the developed world. Bacteria and our bodies have a symbiotic relationship in which their presence helps our systems stay healthy and balanced. “Good” germs can improve your metabolism, enhance your immunity and reduce inflammation. Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, found that the more bacteria you have on the surface of your skin, the better you combat inflammation. So go outside, have plenty of contact with Mother Nature and get dirty! And rather than scrub your foods raw, give them a quick rinse.
5. THEY OPT FOR HERBAL REMEDIES. Although plant-based health aids have been long derided by the Western medical community, about onequarter of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. Herbal remedies (plants purported to have medicinal properties) are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, and what we know about plants’ abilities to heal is impressive: They can alleviate high blood pressure, stimulate the nervous system, destroy germs and boost the immune system. But you needn’t fill your medicine cabinet with supplements; something as simple as green tea can help improve your immunity and your health. Commercial green tea beverages have come under fire recently for unsubstantiated health claims, yet studies have shown that antioxidants in green tea called polyphenols have the potential to boost metabolism and burn fat, protect against liver disease, control blood sugar levels and lower LDL cholesterol. Skip pre-packaged bottled versions and sip unflavored loose-leaf green tea instead.
- See more at: THEY STRESS LESS Researchers at Duke University found that stress damages the immune system and the heart. Other studies suggest that it increases your chances of contracting bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis. There’s also evidence that learning relaxation techniques early on is crucial: A 2009 Stress in America Survey by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association found that stress is a top health concern for kids between ninth and 12th grades, and suggested that stress could do serious long-term damage if those children don’t learn to manage it. Of course, exercise is one of the best ways to chill out. A University of Southern California study found that when participants took a vigorous walk around a track, they reduced tension in their bodies by 20 percent. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also crucial, as is laughing: It releases endorphins in the body that act as natural stress busters. Plus, a good guffaw gives your heart muscle a workout.
2. THEY SPRINKLE BREWER’S YEAST ON THEIR FOOD Just one tablespoon packs in most of the B vitamins you need each day, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid and biotin. Without enough of these vitamins, the body isn’t able to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins; the Bs are also essential for healthy hair, skin, nerves, blood cells, hormone-producing glands and a thriving immune system. B vitamins help manufacture antibodies and white blood cells that make up the immune response. And in times of stress, the Bs can be depleted, which compromises your immunity. Sprinkle a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast over popcorn or cereal, mix it into soups or sauces (the taste goes especially well with split pea soup or any dish made with tomato sauce) or bake into quick breads and cookies.
3. THEY EAT LESS. As far back as the 1930s, studies found that animals that were fed less lived twice as long. More recent research in humans has linked calorie restriction to lower incidences of age-related health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Participants in one study who ate 25 percent less than their usual amounts had lower overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Keep in mind that calorie restriction is an easy diet to do unsafely, however. Start by limiting simple sugars and flours, and pack your meals with dark leafy greens and other vegetables. You can find more tips on calorie restriction at or
4. THEY EMBRACE BACTERIA. OK, so no expert will tell you to toss a few dirt clods into the blender the next time you whip up some pesto, but research suggests that the move toward complete sterility in the modern age wasn’t necessarily more healthful. It appears that the path to increasing health is probably somewhere between the squalor of our ancestors’ environment and the hyper-cleanliness of the developed world. Bacteria and our bodies have a symbiotic relationship in which their presence helps our systems stay healthy and balanced. “Good” germs can improve your metabolism, enhance your immunity and reduce inflammation. Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, found that the more bacteria you have on the surface of your skin, the better you combat inflammation. So go outside, have plenty of contact with Mother Nature and get dirty! And rather than scrub your foods raw, give them a quick rinse.
5. THEY OPT FOR HERBAL REMEDIES. Although plant-based health aids have been long derided by the Western medical community, about onequarter of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. Herbal remedies (plants purported to have medicinal properties) are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, and what we know about plants’ abilities to heal is impressive: They can alleviate high blood pressure, stimulate the nervous system, destroy germs and boost the immune system. But you needn’t fill your medicine cabinet with supplements; something as simple as green tea can help improve your immunity and your health. Commercial green tea beverages have come under fire recently for unsubstantiated health claims, yet studies have shown that antioxidants in green tea called polyphenols have the potential to boost metabolism and burn fat, protect against liver disease, control blood sugar levels and lower LDL cholesterol. Skip pre-packaged bottled versions and sip unflavored loose-leaf green tea instead.
Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick
Photography by: Jonathan Skow + Pornchai Mittongtare

It’s tempting to dismiss it as luck: Some people might
catch a slight cold or suffer an occasional ache or pain now and then,
but they never seem to suffer from flus, fevers and illnesses that send
the rest of us diving under the covers for days. Despite centuries of
scientific advances, doctors still can’t tell us definitively how to
stay well. So why not look for solutions from the people for whom the
common cold is, well, uncommon? Here, 10 surprising habits of those
people who never get sick—and how you can adapt them to your own soon-to
be healthier life.
1. THEY STRESS LESS Researchers at Duke University found that stress damages the immune system and the heart. Other studies suggest that it increases your chances of contracting bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis. There’s also evidence that learning relaxation techniques early on is crucial: A 2009 Stress in America Survey by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association found that stress is a top health concern for kids between ninth and 12th grades, and suggested that stress could do serious long-term damage if those children don’t learn to manage it. Of course, exercise is one of the best ways to chill out. A University of Southern California study found that when participants took a vigorous walk around a track, they reduced tension in their bodies by 20 percent. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also crucial, as is laughing: It releases endorphins in the body that act as natural stress busters. Plus, a good guffaw gives your heart muscle a workout.
2. THEY SPRINKLE BREWER’S YEAST ON THEIR FOOD Just one tablespoon packs in most of the B vitamins you need each day, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid and biotin. Without enough of these vitamins, the body isn’t able to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins; the Bs are also essential for healthy hair, skin, nerves, blood cells, hormone-producing glands and a thriving immune system. B vitamins help manufacture antibodies and white blood cells that make up the immune response. And in times of stress, the Bs can be depleted, which compromises your immunity. Sprinkle a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast over popcorn or cereal, mix it into soups or sauces (the taste goes especially well with split pea soup or any dish made with tomato sauce) or bake into quick breads and cookies.
3. THEY EAT LESS. As far back as the 1930s, studies found that animals that were fed less lived twice as long. More recent research in humans has linked calorie restriction to lower incidences of age-related health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Participants in one study who ate 25 percent less than their usual amounts had lower overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Keep in mind that calorie restriction is an easy diet to do unsafely, however. Start by limiting simple sugars and flours, and pack your meals with dark leafy greens and other vegetables. You can find more tips on calorie restriction at or
4. THEY EMBRACE BACTERIA. OK, so no expert will tell you to toss a few dirt clods into the blender the next time you whip up some pesto, but research suggests that the move toward complete sterility in the modern age wasn’t necessarily more healthful. It appears that the path to increasing health is probably somewhere between the squalor of our ancestors’ environment and the hyper-cleanliness of the developed world. Bacteria and our bodies have a symbiotic relationship in which their presence helps our systems stay healthy and balanced. “Good” germs can improve your metabolism, enhance your immunity and reduce inflammation. Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, found that the more bacteria you have on the surface of your skin, the better you combat inflammation. So go outside, have plenty of contact with Mother Nature and get dirty! And rather than scrub your foods raw, give them a quick rinse.
5. THEY OPT FOR HERBAL REMEDIES. Although plant-based health aids have been long derided by the Western medical community, about onequarter of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. Herbal remedies (plants purported to have medicinal properties) are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, and what we know about plants’ abilities to heal is impressive: They can alleviate high blood pressure, stimulate the nervous system, destroy germs and boost the immune system. But you needn’t fill your medicine cabinet with supplements; something as simple as green tea can help improve your immunity and your health. Commercial green tea beverages have come under fire recently for unsubstantiated health claims, yet studies have shown that antioxidants in green tea called polyphenols have the potential to boost metabolism and burn fat, protect against liver disease, control blood sugar levels and lower LDL cholesterol. Skip pre-packaged bottled versions and sip unflavored loose-leaf green tea instead.
- See more at: THEY STRESS LESS Researchers at Duke University found that stress damages the immune system and the heart. Other studies suggest that it increases your chances of contracting bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis. There’s also evidence that learning relaxation techniques early on is crucial: A 2009 Stress in America Survey by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association found that stress is a top health concern for kids between ninth and 12th grades, and suggested that stress could do serious long-term damage if those children don’t learn to manage it. Of course, exercise is one of the best ways to chill out. A University of Southern California study found that when participants took a vigorous walk around a track, they reduced tension in their bodies by 20 percent. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also crucial, as is laughing: It releases endorphins in the body that act as natural stress busters. Plus, a good guffaw gives your heart muscle a workout.
2. THEY SPRINKLE BREWER’S YEAST ON THEIR FOOD Just one tablespoon packs in most of the B vitamins you need each day, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid and biotin. Without enough of these vitamins, the body isn’t able to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins; the Bs are also essential for healthy hair, skin, nerves, blood cells, hormone-producing glands and a thriving immune system. B vitamins help manufacture antibodies and white blood cells that make up the immune response. And in times of stress, the Bs can be depleted, which compromises your immunity. Sprinkle a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast over popcorn or cereal, mix it into soups or sauces (the taste goes especially well with split pea soup or any dish made with tomato sauce) or bake into quick breads and cookies.
3. THEY EAT LESS. As far back as the 1930s, studies found that animals that were fed less lived twice as long. More recent research in humans has linked calorie restriction to lower incidences of age-related health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Participants in one study who ate 25 percent less than their usual amounts had lower overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Keep in mind that calorie restriction is an easy diet to do unsafely, however. Start by limiting simple sugars and flours, and pack your meals with dark leafy greens and other vegetables. You can find more tips on calorie restriction at or
4. THEY EMBRACE BACTERIA. OK, so no expert will tell you to toss a few dirt clods into the blender the next time you whip up some pesto, but research suggests that the move toward complete sterility in the modern age wasn’t necessarily more healthful. It appears that the path to increasing health is probably somewhere between the squalor of our ancestors’ environment and the hyper-cleanliness of the developed world. Bacteria and our bodies have a symbiotic relationship in which their presence helps our systems stay healthy and balanced. “Good” germs can improve your metabolism, enhance your immunity and reduce inflammation. Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, found that the more bacteria you have on the surface of your skin, the better you combat inflammation. So go outside, have plenty of contact with Mother Nature and get dirty! And rather than scrub your foods raw, give them a quick rinse.
5. THEY OPT FOR HERBAL REMEDIES. Although plant-based health aids have been long derided by the Western medical community, about onequarter of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. Herbal remedies (plants purported to have medicinal properties) are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, and what we know about plants’ abilities to heal is impressive: They can alleviate high blood pressure, stimulate the nervous system, destroy germs and boost the immune system. But you needn’t fill your medicine cabinet with supplements; something as simple as green tea can help improve your immunity and your health. Commercial green tea beverages have come under fire recently for unsubstantiated health claims, yet studies have shown that antioxidants in green tea called polyphenols have the potential to boost metabolism and burn fat, protect against liver disease, control blood sugar levels and lower LDL cholesterol. Skip pre-packaged bottled versions and sip unflavored loose-leaf green tea instead.
Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick
Photography by: Jonathan Skow + Pornchai Mittongtare

It’s tempting to dismiss it as luck: Some people might
catch a slight cold or suffer an occasional ache or pain now and then,
but they never seem to suffer from flus, fevers and illnesses that send
the rest of us diving under the covers for days. Despite centuries of
scientific advances, doctors still can’t tell us definitively how to
stay well. So why not look for solutions from the people for whom the
common cold is, well, uncommon? Here, 10 surprising habits of those
people who never get sick—and how you can adapt them to your own soon-to
be healthier life.
1. THEY STRESS LESS Researchers at Duke University found that stress damages the immune system and the heart. Other studies suggest that it increases your chances of contracting bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis. There’s also evidence that learning relaxation techniques early on is crucial: A 2009 Stress in America Survey by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association found that stress is a top health concern for kids between ninth and 12th grades, and suggested that stress could do serious long-term damage if those children don’t learn to manage it. Of course, exercise is one of the best ways to chill out. A University of Southern California study found that when participants took a vigorous walk around a track, they reduced tension in their bodies by 20 percent. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also crucial, as is laughing: It releases endorphins in the body that act as natural stress busters. Plus, a good guffaw gives your heart muscle a workout.
2. THEY SPRINKLE BREWER’S YEAST ON THEIR FOOD Just one tablespoon packs in most of the B vitamins you need each day, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid and biotin. Without enough of these vitamins, the body isn’t able to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins; the Bs are also essential for healthy hair, skin, nerves, blood cells, hormone-producing glands and a thriving immune system. B vitamins help manufacture antibodies and white blood cells that make up the immune response. And in times of stress, the Bs can be depleted, which compromises your immunity. Sprinkle a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast over popcorn or cereal, mix it into soups or sauces (the taste goes especially well with split pea soup or any dish made with tomato sauce) or bake into quick breads and cookies.
3. THEY EAT LESS. As far back as the 1930s, studies found that animals that were fed less lived twice as long. More recent research in humans has linked calorie restriction to lower incidences of age-related health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Participants in one study who ate 25 percent less than their usual amounts had lower overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Keep in mind that calorie restriction is an easy diet to do unsafely, however. Start by limiting simple sugars and flours, and pack your meals with dark leafy greens and other vegetables. You can find more tips on calorie restriction at or
4. THEY EMBRACE BACTERIA. OK, so no expert will tell you to toss a few dirt clods into the blender the next time you whip up some pesto, but research suggests that the move toward complete sterility in the modern age wasn’t necessarily more healthful. It appears that the path to increasing health is probably somewhere between the squalor of our ancestors’ environment and the hyper-cleanliness of the developed world. Bacteria and our bodies have a symbiotic relationship in which their presence helps our systems stay healthy and balanced. “Good” germs can improve your metabolism, enhance your immunity and reduce inflammation. Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, found that the more bacteria you have on the surface of your skin, the better you combat inflammation. So go outside, have plenty of contact with Mother Nature and get dirty! And rather than scrub your foods raw, give them a quick rinse.
5. THEY OPT FOR HERBAL REMEDIES. Although plant-based health aids have been long derided by the Western medical community, about onequarter of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. Herbal remedies (plants purported to have medicinal properties) are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, and what we know about plants’ abilities to heal is impressive: They can alleviate high blood pressure, stimulate the nervous system, destroy germs and boost the immune system. But you needn’t fill your medicine cabinet with supplements; something as simple as green tea can help improve your immunity and your health. Commercial green tea beverages have come under fire recently for unsubstantiated health claims, yet studies have shown that antioxidants in green tea called polyphenols have the potential to boost metabolism and burn fat, protect against liver disease, control blood sugar levels and lower LDL cholesterol. Skip pre-packaged bottled versions and sip unflavored loose-leaf green tea instead.
- See more at: THEY STRESS LESS Researchers at Duke University found that stress damages the immune system and the heart. Other studies suggest that it increases your chances of contracting bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis. There’s also evidence that learning relaxation techniques early on is crucial: A 2009 Stress in America Survey by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association found that stress is a top health concern for kids between ninth and 12th grades, and suggested that stress could do serious long-term damage if those children don’t learn to manage it. Of course, exercise is one of the best ways to chill out. A University of Southern California study found that when participants took a vigorous walk around a track, they reduced tension in their bodies by 20 percent. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also crucial, as is laughing: It releases endorphins in the body that act as natural stress busters. Plus, a good guffaw gives your heart muscle a workout.
2. THEY SPRINKLE BREWER’S YEAST ON THEIR FOOD Just one tablespoon packs in most of the B vitamins you need each day, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid and biotin. Without enough of these vitamins, the body isn’t able to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins; the Bs are also essential for healthy hair, skin, nerves, blood cells, hormone-producing glands and a thriving immune system. B vitamins help manufacture antibodies and white blood cells that make up the immune response. And in times of stress, the Bs can be depleted, which compromises your immunity. Sprinkle a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast over popcorn or cereal, mix it into soups or sauces (the taste goes especially well with split pea soup or any dish made with tomato sauce) or bake into quick breads and cookies.
3. THEY EAT LESS. As far back as the 1930s, studies found that animals that were fed less lived twice as long. More recent research in humans has linked calorie restriction to lower incidences of age-related health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Participants in one study who ate 25 percent less than their usual amounts had lower overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Keep in mind that calorie restriction is an easy diet to do unsafely, however. Start by limiting simple sugars and flours, and pack your meals with dark leafy greens and other vegetables. You can find more tips on calorie restriction at or
4. THEY EMBRACE BACTERIA. OK, so no expert will tell you to toss a few dirt clods into the blender the next time you whip up some pesto, but research suggests that the move toward complete sterility in the modern age wasn’t necessarily more healthful. It appears that the path to increasing health is probably somewhere between the squalor of our ancestors’ environment and the hyper-cleanliness of the developed world. Bacteria and our bodies have a symbiotic relationship in which their presence helps our systems stay healthy and balanced. “Good” germs can improve your metabolism, enhance your immunity and reduce inflammation. Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, found that the more bacteria you have on the surface of your skin, the better you combat inflammation. So go outside, have plenty of contact with Mother Nature and get dirty! And rather than scrub your foods raw, give them a quick rinse.
5. THEY OPT FOR HERBAL REMEDIES. Although plant-based health aids have been long derided by the Western medical community, about onequarter of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. Herbal remedies (plants purported to have medicinal properties) are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, and what we know about plants’ abilities to heal is impressive: They can alleviate high blood pressure, stimulate the nervous system, destroy germs and boost the immune system. But you needn’t fill your medicine cabinet with supplements; something as simple as green tea can help improve your immunity and your health. Commercial green tea beverages have come under fire recently for unsubstantiated health claims, yet studies have shown that antioxidants in green tea called polyphenols have the potential to boost metabolism and burn fat, protect against liver disease, control blood sugar levels and lower LDL cholesterol. Skip pre-packaged bottled versions and sip unflavored loose-leaf green tea instead.
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